How Acupuncture Works

Chinese Medicine describes the flow of life energy as it manifests in natural phenomena and within human beings. The Chinese call this energy Qi (pronounced “Chee”) and have mapped out its flow through our bodies along specific pathways called meridians.

When our Qi is full and flowing, we experience health. When it is obstructed or imbalanced, illness and pain can occur. The symptoms we experience are signals that we need to take measures to restore balance. Such imbalances can manifest not only in physical complaints, but also as emotional and psychosomatic stress-related disorders. An acupuncturist’s purpose is to recognize the state of Qi and facilitate movement of Qi throughout the patient’s body, aligning and improving the patient’s mental and physical health and sense of well-being. We work to prevent and alleviate symptoms of pain and suffering by removing Qi blockages and stagnation, eliminating excess Qi and rectifying Qi deficiencies, restoring the energetic balance of the body and mind.

While different people may have similar symptoms, the source of their symptoms is unique. Treatment is therefore individualized and will be directed at both reducing symptoms and correcting the source. There is an important understanding in Chinese medicine that the mind and body are connected, so acupuncturists are committed to treating the whole person, not just physical discomfort. Because each person’s mental and physical health is considered, we are able to introduce strategies and offer remedies that not only reduce present discomfort, but also prevent some symptoms from re-occurring.

Fine needles are inserted into specific points on the body that have been empirically proven to be effective. The location of these points and pathways has recently been confirmed by electromagnetic research.

“Everything you can imagine is real”

 Pablo Picasso