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Treat Headaches with Acupuncture

 We’ve all experienced a headache at some point in life. 

They can range from mildly annoying to severely debilitating depending on the level of longevity and pain. Tension headaches are a category all their own and usually fall somewhere in between these two extremes. Luckily, acupuncture can help. Medical research has shown that sufferers from headaches can relieve symptoms with regular acupuncture treatment. Below, I discuss how this works, and how you can use this traditional Chinese medicine to treat your headache pain.

What Are Tension Headaches?

Tension headaches can form around the temples/back of the head, producing a pressure that feels like a tight band around the skull. Accompanying pain is often a mild to moderate dull ache. These headaches can be episodic or chronic, with side effects triggered by multiple factors. Some common factors include stress, muscle tightness in the neck/upper back, poor posture, eye strain, fatigue, and even cold weather.  

How Acupuncture Can Help

Acupuncture provides pain relief by targeting the root imbalance in the body. It is this imbalance that’s causing your headache in the first place. To do this, needles are inserted into acupuncture points in the body – points known to be effective in the treatment of headaches. These points are located throughout the body as well as the head. By targeting these areas, an acupuncturist improves blood flow to the affected area, decreasing the overall tension. This relaxes the central nervous symptoms and descalates the stress response causing the pain. Pain relief is often immediate, while regular treatment can decrease the recurrence of future headaches.

If you suffer from tension headaches and seek a more targeted solution, consider giving acupuncture from a qualified practitioner a try.





Tony Brenner

Tony is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor, and a nationally certified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine. WIth over 25 years of experience in his field, Tony specializes in combining acupuncture with counseling services in the spirit of client collaboration and compassionate care. In his free time, you'll find him enjoying the outdoors with his family or reading a good book.