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Treating Neck Pain with Acupuncture

Neck pain is, well – a pain in the neck.

It’s also a common problem. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, 30% of our population experiences neck pain in a given year. It’s also the fourth leading cause of disability. The good news is there is a solution: Acupuncture is a simple and effective treatment option for neck related aches and pains. It is widely endorsed by medical professionals and organizations, and the World Health Organization has recommended the practice specifically for neck pain since 2006.

Understanding Neck Pain

Neck pain can be anywhere from acute to chronic and caused by a number of factors. Common causes of neck pain include muscular strain, injury, stress, and chronic conditions such as arthritis and spinal degeneration. Pain can radiate down the upper back and into the shoulders, and often impairs our upper body range of motion. Like most chronic pain, untreated neck pain can lead to increased stress, depression, and even interfere with our quality of life.

Acupuncture targets all kinds of neck pain – no matter the severity, length, or initial cause. The practice is flexible and used alone or in combination with other treatments (such as medication of physical therapy) for fast relief. The secret to acupuncture’s success is that it actually corrects the imbalance in your body that causes pain in the first place. But how exactly does this work?

Harnessing Your Qi

Acupuncture works by stimulating the movement of energy, or Qi (pronounce chee), in the body’s energy pathways. These pathways (think of them as a system of highways in the body) are called meridians. When pain is present, it may be because of a stagnation of Qi. Like a stalled car blocking traffic, this stagnation causes blockage in the affected meridian.

When a blockage occurs, physical symptoms quickly manifest in the local area. Decreased blood flow and oxygenation to the tissue, decreased movement of lymph, decreased nourishment to the fascia, muscles, tendons, and bones. All of the leads to pain and inflammation. The longer the stagnation has been present, the deeper the effect on the body.

To address your pain, acupuncture targets areas in the body known as acupuncture points. Acupuncture points are points found along the meridians where your Qi is most accessible. Stimulation of these points causes a reaction in the meridian and facilitates the movement of Qi, quickly relieving pain and inflammation. How exactly does an acupuncturist stimulate these areas? They use thin needles applied directly (and gently) to the affected meridians. An interesting note is that needles are often applied to areas of the body other than the affected meridian. For example, in the case of neck pain, treatment can involve applying needles to the hands, arms, lower legs, scalps, ears, and even the feet. This is because these areas contain related meridians that can help stimulate the affected one. Just like a system of highways, these meridians, and the energies that flow through them, are all connected.

Preventing Pain on a Deeper Level

In addition to providing relief, your acupuncturist helps address why your Qi became stagnant in the first place. You will work together to understand neck pain at a deeper level. This allows you to identify lifestyle habits and routines that medicine alone can’t address. This approach helps prevent the future recurrence of symptoms.

If you are a longtime sufferer of neck pain, give acupuncture treatment a try. If you would like more information on evidence-based resources related to this topic, I recommend checking out this recent study.


Tony Brenner

Tony is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor, and a nationally certified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine. WIth over 25 years of experience in his field, Tony specializes in combining acupuncture with counseling services in the spirit of client collaboration and compassionate care. In his free time, you'll find him enjoying the outdoors with his family or reading a good book.